Feasibility study of the biogas plant erection for agriculture waste utilization
Period 2005
Services Market Research
Location Ukraine
Partners Ukraine

Manure is processed in continuously loaded and intermixed digesters. Digestion of 130 tons of manure is performed in three units with each volume of 1000 m3.

Generated biogas is utilized for power and heat production using IC engine with alternators and heat-exchangers.

Installed capacity is 450 kWe and 720 kWth.

Except power and heat generation there is assumed to produce organic: 918 tons of nitrogen, 672 tons of phosphor and 202 tons of potassium annually.

Project applicant: Elita ltd, Ukraine

Main project parameters:
Financial parameters

Foreign produced equipment

Local produced equipment

Total project cost, EUR 1 126 000 987 700
Annual operation cost, EUR/ ear 105100
IRR, % 13,4 17,2
NPV, EUR 138 900 254420
Simple payback period, years 5,87 4,90